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Starting the Day Right

A lot can be said for having a strong morning routine. This has become my latest focus: starting the day with a positive, energetic attitude. Many entrepreneurs are often asked about their morning routine and most have similar guidlines: healthy breakfast, meditation, writing down goals, stretching, etc.

My (soon to be) sister-in-law, RebeccaLynn Bologna wrote down her morning ritual on facebook today. She's a huge inspiration to me, being the mother of three beautiful girls, step-mom to another, entrepreneur, and all around bad-ass. She's really helped me move in a positive direction for myself, and I thought I would not only give her a shout out, but share our collective thoughts on mornings together.

Becca gets up and does some meditation, positive affirmations, and goes on a short run before she starts her day. She calls it: "Inspired Action". I love this. I need to get myself out of bed and be more active. My brain does plenty of thinking (as was once said, artists are Poets of Action!), but my body can tend to be sluggish in the morning and can't quite keep up with my head, so I usually have a not-so-productive start to the day.

In an effort to be more inspired and active, I have come up with the following morning routine. I'd like to add that I actually DID this today!

1. Wake Up to alarm at 7am (working on getting to 6am). Don't press the snooze!

2. Wash my face and brush my teeth. Throw on my watch to start tracking activity immediately. (It sits in my bathroom charging).

3. While making my first pot of coffee, drink a glass of water instead of waiting around.

4. Turn on some energizing music (today was some beautiful Raga from India on Sitar)

5. Stretch and do a short excersize routine to get the heart rate up (today I used one from Blogilates)

6. Make my bed

7. Do my list of positive affirmations. Sometimes I'm meditative (like this morning) and I sit and really think them through, and sometimes I'm energized and dance and sing them. Whatever I'm feeling. :)

8. With my first cup of coffee, come up with the to-do list for the day. Usually I've already started this the night before with things I must get done, but then I flesh it out in the morning and focus on goals.

9. Healthy paleo breakfast! Something with lots of protein.

10. Start on that to-do list!

This all happened this morning even after staying up till midnight to edit a video! It's amazing what a difference this makes in my productivity and my attitude, and it really doesn't take very long to get up and rolling.

If you're looking for a healthy change in your life, I'd definitely recommend starting with the beginning of your day. Great way to get off on the right foot!

Sending good vibes and hugs your way!

If you're interested in following my blogging, entrepreneurial, superwoman of a sister, here's her website!

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